Constellation – An Overture to the Zodiac –

April 11th – June 13th 2014
Gallery Opening Reception 6 – 9pm April 11th

“The Enlightenment Cabinet” is a wandering art exhibition curated by artist Yvette Endrijautzki. With its current presentation “CONSTELLATION- an Overture to the Zodiac”, over forty local, national and international artists will introduce their own interpretation of the 12 Zodiac signs, approaching the subject in many different media. From sculpture to illustration, from


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Sent from Somewhere Else

The Black and White Photography of Gary Lappier
March 14th – April 5th 2014

Opening Reception 6 pm Friday March 14th

The B&I Entrance

I received a camera for my fifth birthday, which is around the same time I made my first visit to the B&I. It was a technicolor buzz full of goodies and amazements. A crown jewel in a city full of promise named Tacoma. Since a young age I had fantasized about documenting this unique place and the variety found within. As I grew and developed my craft, the B&I aged and declined. Sent from Somewhere Else is the photographic result of this exploration.


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