Mixed Media

Constellation – An Overture to the Zodiac –

April 11th – June 13th 2014
Gallery Opening Reception 6 – 9pm April 11th

“The Enlightenment Cabinet” is a wandering art exhibition curated by artist Yvette Endrijautzki. With its current presentation “CONSTELLATION- an Overture to the Zodiac”, over forty local, national and international artists will introduce their own interpretation of the 12 Zodiac signs, approaching the subject in many different media. From sculpture to illustration, from


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2013 GTCF Foundation of Art Award

Foundation of Art Award Nominees

November 14, 2013 – January 10, 2014


2013 Greater Tacoma Community Foundation of Art Award Exhibit

Sean Alexander, Beautiful Angle, Laurie Cinotto, Scott Haydon, Ellen Ito, Chris Jordan, Nicholas Nyland, Chandler O’Leary, Shaun Peterson, Juliette Ricci, Holly Senn, Kenji Stoll, and Britton Sukys.

The Greater Tacoma Community Foundation’s ‘Foundation of Art Award’ has been recognized as one the most notable art awards in the South Sound region. To celebrate the sixth anniversary of the Award, the Foundation is hosting an exhibit featuring the 12 talented artists that were nominated in 2013. The exhibit will also unveil the commissioned artwork created by the 2013 winning artist, Shaun Peterson. (more…)

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Hello New Work by Meghan Mitchell

Ink, Graphite & Pigment on Paper
September 19th – November 13th 2013


Hello is an exploration of one woman’s quest to share her rich inner monologue and myriad selves. A collection of two-dimensional drawings and interactive installation come together in this lighthearted exhibition. Meghan translates comedy, anxiety, and beauty into delicate line and unbounded sincerity. Inspired by zines, comics, and certain trappings of childhood this work is sure to pluck the double knotted strings in the cedar paneled basement of each grown up child’s heart. (more…)

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Life is OOD

Life is OOD

June 20th -July 15th 2013

Fulcrum Gallery is proud to present Life is OOD: new works by Sean Alexander and Henry Lee Walls. OOD is the second solo showing by Sean Alexander at Fulcrum Gallery and will mark his first departure from drawing. Work by Hilltop local and first time showing artist Henry Lee Walls will accompany Alexander’s work as interactions with Walls helped inspire many of the works in the show

The show’s title is a play on the classic, cheap slogan “life is good” (more…)

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Mixed Media Paintings – Marsha Glazière
February 21st April 12th 2013
Opening Reception: February. 21st 6-9 pm

CompositeThe only way to examine a departed culture is through its legacy of artifacts. Like the Egyptian pyramids and the Pantheon of Rome we shall be known as The Great Road Builders. Marsha Glazière reworks these monumental formations into intimate landscapes. Coaxing the essence of sun-dappled glen from visually neglected industrial spaces. (more…)

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