An art show dedicated to the Broken-Hearted February 15th 6-9 pm
Don’t miss this one-night event with work from 7 local artists that explore love through the eyes of the scorned, mad, hungry and obsessed. Appropriately timed on Feb 15th 2020, this heartbreak fest is a perfect antidote to chocolate hearts, snuggling couples and sickeningly-sweet sentiments typically associated with love. From gore to satire, participating artists are exploring themes and expressions of love through various mediums, including illustrations, ceramics, painting, music and photography.
Featured Artists: Ando Ehlers, Broken Calliope, Dan Infecto, Elisha Marie Brilhante, Gabrielle Denby, Heather Cornelius and TJ DeMots. Acoustic Musical Guests: Kelsey Crow and Stoned Evergreen Travelers. $7 suggested donation. 6-9pm